Universal Law says “Like Attracts Like” ….so let’s bring in all the love, kindness, acceptance, appreciation, giving, and genuinely caring for our neighbors …..Let’s create Love Attracts Love…
In a time like this in our Country, there’s even more cause for love…
Each and every day when we wake up…we have a choice to be love, to show love, to extend love.
I read an article long about a man giving with his heart by paying stranger’s groceries and not asking for anything in return. That is precious. Cultivating love and respect between people.
**”We can believe the best about ourselves and others…. and if we expect the best from life, we’ll begin to see it manifest overall. Together we can replace criticism with respect, and condemnation with appreciation. And it all begins with us – first in our thoughts, then in our actions and relationships.
We can make the world a better place – not through force, but rather through living an inspiring example. By deliberately choosing to express love instead of fear every moment, we’ll attract people who are doing the same, which will cause a momentum. By making our love unconditional, with all people under all circumstances at all times, we’ll transform our world.” **
** Excerpt written by Grace de Rond in the Huffington Post blog in May 2016
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