Well I have to say that keeping up with blogs is not easy for me. I blog for a friend/client of mine on her 2 sites ( should be doing one a week). And I need to keep my own blog up! So I made a decision to join in this challenge for 30 days…One blog a day!!
Come join me and share with us here what your tips are! There is one happening soon so jump in!
Hi Everyone,
Great idea of a Blog Challenge! I have a difficult time myself making it a priority to write for my business. I also like Shilonda and Annie’s suggestions as well.
I will definitely check out the blog challenge website for more information.
Thank you,
I like the note taking idea that @Shilonda suggested. I keep spiral notebooks with me wherever I go for that very purpose.
One thing I’ve been trying to do is to set a blogging schedule. I like to get all the weeks post written and pre-scheduled so that during the week I can take my time to really interact with visitors.
I suggest that those who write blogs use a note taking system to jot down ideas as soon as they come to mind. This will help bloggers post regularly, without having to search desperately for ideas for a blog article.
Shilonda Downing
Virtual Work Team LLC