Have you noticed that everyone is talking about Gratitude more now than ever? I think that is because our Nation needs it now more than ever, right?
I am going to chat about it here for a few also. We do know that Gratitude is an an Attitude and it can change your life right?
For me, it means more reading, meditating, deep breathing, and quiet space. I have been more content with who I am and my life the last month in doing this. It carries over into every area of my life. I guess you could say I’ve developed certain new habits.
Have you found that once you commit to having an attitude of gratitude, on a daily basis, it changes the way you think? I have read that our minds cannot hold two conflicting thoughts at the same time. When you think in terms of gratitude, that influences your behavior. Again, we do move towards and become like what we think about.
Years back, when I was going through what to me was a very hard and soul draining time…ie: being laid off from work after years of working in Corporate America, I remember ending my day saying things like this ” Dear Universe–I made it another day in job searching and telling myself I am a smart woman and i will find one again.” And I did! And eventually another layoff lead to me deciding to be my own boss…. 🙂 It is really about the way we think about things that makes the difference.
So for real….What you do think about does come to you……as in Like attracts Like. Having that attitude of gratitude, on a daily basis, has changed the way I go through the my day and realizing and remembering all the abundance I do have right now.
I have found also, now more than ever, that being around negative people even on FB, zaps my positive energy! Have you? I desire to put out positive energy and be around those that do! It leads to a much more peaceful life. It’s like a snowball, the more we are positive and grateful to and for those around us, the more they are, then the people they are that way to…become that way. And someday soon that snowball will roll all the way across the US and help people live lifes with happier outlooks and be kinder to each other!
Who’s with me here? Let me know when you start doing this on a daily basis, ok? – I’d love to hear from you!
I remind myself what I’m grateful for each morning and evening before I go to bed and it has made a difference to me.
I notice the simple things more – the birds playing in the puddles outside my office, the trees swaying in the wind, I have a choice of what socks to wear, what to have for breakfast and the cup of tea my hubby brings me in bed every morning.
Gratitude is powerful and the whole world could benefit from stopping,even once a day and reminding themselves of what they do have rather than hankering after all the things you don’t have.
What a lovely post.
This is awesome Tracey. I really does make quite the difference in our day to day for sure. I totally agree 🙂 Thank you for commenting