Content Curation Platform Service for the News You Want to Read
Did you know there is a Content Curation Platform Service for the news you want to read? I didn’t even know that was a thing until several months ago. lol
Several months back I happened to find a very cool newspaper curation on Twitter by a fellow VA colleague of mine. I quickly asked how it worked and she told me. It was easy to set up and now I have my own free content curation of news that comes out weekly to all my readers! It is so awesome!
I just have the free version so I just selected Twitter to have the paper networked out to. But there is a paid version where you can it sent via all your social networks. I found it to be the most awesome form of interaction on Twitter! It’s called
They enable people to publish newspapers based on topics they like and treat their readers to fresh news, daily. Here is what they say about their services:
“We believe that people (and not machines) are the ones qualified to curate the content that matters most. We also think that these same people can greatly help their own communities to find their way through this “massive content world” we live in. We’re here to help!”
“Every day, around the world, millions of articles are featured on, benefiting millions of readers. We are just at the beginning of an exciting new adventure and we think we’re on to something good.We love the semantic web, we respect our content creators, we strive for simplicity, and we thrive on feedback. “
Isn’t that just the most wonderful thing? Especially when so much of the news is negative! You will really want to use this content curation platform service for your next bit of fun news to share! Try it! You will be addicted And so will all your readers!
Okay so read up! Here is mine this week
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