Hey all…
I came across this awesome Customer Love Quick Video that has great thoughts.
Please take a moment to watch.
Hope you enjoyed!
~Embrace your day!
It's all about the mindset...
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New changes seem to be always in line at Facebook. Once you really understand how the changes work, they really begin to make sense! Making your Facebook pages timeline work for you will really make a difference!
On March 31st, 2012, you will not be able to opt out of using the new design, so here are a few tips to make the best of it.
Make your Cover Art BOLD! A picture is worth a thousand words so creating a strong cover image that connects your readers to what your brand is all about is essential. A single, powerful, bold l photograph can have a lot of impact here! BUT– it cannot have promotions, discounts or graphics that encourage people to “like” your page. Th best image size is 851 x 315 pixels, but smaller images will work also, smallest being 399 pixel wide. You can also use a free photo editor tool like Pixlr to help in the process
Square up your profile picture Instead of being longer as it is currently, it will be positioned in a square over your cover art image. It will need be at least 180 pixels square.
Put your most important applications first. With the new layout, Facebook apps are your photo albums, events and the number of people who like your page. Only the first four will display when your Facebook Page first loads but you can have 12 max.
Put a good consistent content post plan in place. This new timeline really shows your inactivity so make in minimal.
Organize create love in your posts. Highlight them by clicking on the star and pencil includes the ability to hide items, delete items and mark items as spam.
New to Facebook Pages is the admin panel for private messages. Be on top of that monitoring. People like to chat!
RSS Feed feature is New! Use it to bring tons of new people in!
I am loving the new changes, how about you?
Are you familiar with Merchant circle? It is another avenue for event promotion and connecting up with businesses. Not as big a platform as others but good in its place. You can offer promotions, discounts or whatever you desire here (they call them coupons). You invite other businesses you are interested in networking with. They invite you. You can chat with them, rate them, and answer questions.
Pretty new on the scene is the “Pinterest” social platform. It can be connected with Facebook if you chose with your updates on your timeline, It consists of boards where you create and post images and descriptions that you are very passionate about. You make virtually any category and name it something unique.. Thoughts, quotes, your favorite food, places to go, any kind of stats, your business info and products, on and on. I seems to be common for women to use it, but yes, men are there also! I believe it is an awesome tool for getting to know a person (no matter how high profile they are) on a more personal level as well as business. A great place for your potential clients to get to know you. People like your photos and repin them.
Have you used them yet?